Osteoprogenitor-GMP crosstalk underpins solid tumor-induced systemic immunosuppression and persists after tumor removal.
Osteoprogenitor-GMP crosstalk underpins solid tumor-induced systemic immunosuppression and persists after tumor removal.
Hao X, Shen Y, Chen N, Zhang W, Valverde E, Wu L, Chan HL, Xu Z, Yu L, Gao Y, Bado I, Michie LN, Rivas CH, Becerra-Dominguez L, Aguirre S, Pingel BC, Wu Y-H, Liu F, Ding Y, Edwards DG, Liu J, ..., Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Mar 28, 2023) Cell Stem Cell Volume 30, Issue 5, 4 May 2023, Pages 648-664.e8.