Lipid-laden cancer cells transmit arachidonic acids to neutrophils to acquire resistance against combined anti-PD-1 and paclitaxel treatment
Yu L; Liebenberg K; Shen Y; Liu F; Xu Z; Wu L; Hao X; Zhang W; Chan HL; Wei B; Lorenzi P; Gao Y; Bado I; Dominguez LB; Rivas CH; Aguirre S; Pingel B; Wu Y-H; Ding L; Liu J; Edwards DG, Eberlin LS; Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Jan 14, 2025) Immunity Accepted.
The solid tumor-induced systemic immunosuppression involves dichotomous myeloid-B cell interactions
Hao X, Shen Y, Liu J, Alexander A, Wu L, Xu Z, Yu L, Gao Y, Liu F, Chan HL, Li C-H, Ding Y, Zhang W, Edwards, DG, Chen N, ..., Ueno NT, Lim B., Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Aug 03, 2024) Nature Cell Biology 26(11): 1971-1983.
Osteoprogenitor-GMP crosstalk underpins solid tumor-induced systemic immunosuppression and persists after tumor removal.
Hao X, Shen Y, Chen N, Zhang W, Valverde E, Wu L, Chan HL, Xu Z, Yu L, Gao Y, Bado I, Michie LN, Rivas CH, Becerra-Dominguez L, Aguirre S, Pingel BC, Wu Y-H, Liu F, Ding Y, Edwards DG, Liu J, ..., Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Mar 28, 2023) Cell Stem Cell Volume 30, Issue 5, 4 May 2023, Pages 648-664.e8.
Bone metastasis initiation is coupled with bone remodeling through osteogenic differentiation of NG2+ cells
Zhang, W., Xu Z., Hao, X., He, T., Li, J., Shen, Y., Liu, K., Gao, Y., Liu, J., Edwards, D., Muscarella, A., Wu, L., Yu, L., Xu, L., Chen, X., Wu, YH., Bado, I., Ding, Y., Aguirre, S., Wang, H., Gugala, Z., Satcher, R., Wong, S., Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Nov 21, 2022) Cancer Discovery CD-22-0220..
Harnessing the power of antibodies to fight bone metastasis
Tian, Z., Wu, L., Yu, C., Chen, Y., Xu, Z., Bado, I., Loredo, A., Wang, L., Wang, H., Wu, K. L., Zhang, W., Xiang H.-F. Zhang & Xiao, H. (Jun 23, 2021) Science Advances Vol 7(26).
The bone microenvironment invigorates metastatic seeds for further dissemination
Zhang W, Bado IL, Hu J, Wan YW, Wu L, Wang H, Gao Y, Jeong HH, Xu Z, Hao X, Lege BM, Al-Ouran R, Li L, Li J, Yu L, Singh S, Lo HC, Niu M, Liu J, Jiang W, Li Y, Wong STC, Cheng C, Liu Z, Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Apr 29, 2021) Cell 184(9):2471-2486.e20.
The bone microenvironment increases phenotypic plasticity of ER+ breast cancer cells
Bado IL, Zhang W, Hu J, Xu Z, Wang H, Sarkar P, Li L, Wan YW, Liu J, Wu W, Lo HC, Kim IS, Singh S, Janghorban M, Muscarella AM, Goldstein A, Singh P, Jeong HH, Liu C, Schiff R, Huang S, Ellis MJ, Gaber MW, Gugala Z, Liu Z, Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Apr 19, 2021) Developmental Cell 56(8):1100-1117.e9.
Unique cellular protrusions mediate breast cancer cell migration by tethering to osteogenic cells
Aaron M. Muscarella, Wei Dai, Patrick G. Mitchell, Weijie Zhang, Hai Wang, Luyu Jia, Fabio Stossi, Michael A. Mancini, Wah Chiu & Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Sep 07, 2020) npj Breast Cancer 6, 42.
Resistance to natural killer cell immunosurveillance confers a selective advantage to polyclonal metastasis
Hin Ching Lo, Zhan Xu, Ik Sun Kim, Bradley Pingel, Sergio Aguirre, Srikanth Kodali, Jun Liu, Weijie Zhang, Aaron M. Muscarella, Sarah M. Hein, Alexander S. Krupnick, Joel R. Neilson, Silke Paust, Jeffrey M. Rosen, Hai Wang & Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Jun 01, 2020) Nature Cancer 1, 709–722.
Immuno-subtyping of breast cancer reveals distinct myeloid cell biology and immunotherapy resistance mechanisms
Ik Sun Kim, Yang Gao, Thomas Welte, Hai Wang, Jun Liu, Mahnaz Janghorban, Kuanwei Sheng, YichiNiu, Amit Goldstein, Na Zhao, Igor Bado, Hin-Ching Lo, Michael J. Toneff, Tuan Nguyen, Wen Bu, Weiyu Jiang, ..., Jeffrey M. Rosen, Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Aug 26, 2019) Nature Cell Biology 18(6), 632-644.
The osteogenic niche is a calcium reservoir of breast cancer bone micrometastases and confers unexpected therapeutic vulnerability
Hai Wang, Lin Tian, Jun Liu, Amit Goldstein, Igor Bado, Weijie Zhang, Benjamin R. Arenkiel, , Zonghai Li, Meng Yang, Shiyu Du, Hong Zhao, David R. Rowley, Stephen T. C. Wong, Zbigniew Gugala, Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Nov 12, 2018) Cancer Cell 34, 823–839.
Bone-in-culture array as a platform to model early-stage bone metastases and discover anti-metastasis therapies
Hai Wang, Lin Tian, Jun Liu, Amit Goldstein, Igor Bado, Weijie Zhang, Benjamin R. Arenkiel, , Zonghai Li, Meng Yang, Shiyu Du, Hong Zhao, David R. Rowley, Stephen T. C. Wong, Zbigniew Gugala, Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Apr 21, 2017) Nature Communication 258:45:00.
Mutual regulation of tumour vessel normalization and immunostimulatory reprogramming
Lin Tian, Amit Goldstein, Hai Wang, Hin Ching Lo, Ik Sun Kim, Thomas Welte, Kuanwei Sheng, Lacey E. Dobrolecki, Xiaomei Zhang, Nagireddy Putluri, Thuy L. Phung, Sendurai A. Mani, Fabio Stossi, Arun Sreekumar, ..., Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Apr 13, 2017) Nature 544(7649):250-254.
Oncogenic mTOR signalling recruits myeloid-derived suppressor cells to promote tumour initiation
Thomas Welte, Ik Sun Kim, Lin Tian, Xia Gao, Hai Wang, June Li, Xue B Holdman, Jason I Herschkowitz, ... Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (May 16, 2016) Nature Cell Biology 18(6), 632-644.
The Osteogenic Niche Promotes Early-Stage Bone Colonization of Disseminated Breast Cancer Cells
Hai Wang; Cuijuan Yu; Xia Gao; Thomas Welte; Aaron M. Muscarella; Lin Tian; Jun Liu; Hong Zhao; Zhen Zhao; Jianning Tao; Brendan Lee; Thomas F. Westbrook; Stephen T.C. Wong; Jeffrey M. Rosen; C. Kent Osborne; Xiang H.-F. Zhang. (Feb 09, 2015) Cancer Cell 27(2):193-210.